Waukesha Public Library receives the “Partnering for a Purpose” award.

The Library was recently awarded the “Partnering for a Purpose” award from Literacy Services of Wisconsin. This award goes to an organization that “enhances the opportunities afforded to our students by combining and maximizing resources.”

From the award ceremony program:

“The Waukesha Public Library has been connected to our mission for decades through the Greater Waukesha Literacy Council. As a library, they are a champion of community and learning. We have always appreciated their willingness to share their space and serve as a location for students and tutors to gather. In the last couple of years, we have enhanced our partnership to better align with our respective goals and integrate programming in a way that creates the best outcomes for adult students in Waukesha County.”

Thank you to Literacy Services of Wisconsin for this great honor.

Posted in Latest News.