WPL has added a Lucky Day collection!

Is it your lucky day? It might be! Waukesha Public Library has retired our Rental Collection and replaced it with a Lucky Day Collection. The Lucky Day Collection contains a variety of very popular Library materials with long waiting lists. If you find something you’d like, it’s your lucky day!

Here are the guidelines:

  • Lucky Day items are FREE! ☘️
  • Two Lucky Day items may be checked out per card.
  • Lucky Day items check out for 7 days at a time.
  • You cannot place holds on Lucky Day items, and we won’t hold them at the desk. You can only get them from the Lucky Day shelf.
  • Because these items are very popular, you cannot renew Lucky Day items.
  • Overdue fines are $1.00/day.
  • Each item from the Lucky Day collection is labeled with a green clover sticker on the spine and a green sticker with the guidelines on the cover.

We hope it will be your lucky day sometime soon!

The Lucky Day Collection replaced the Rental Collection in the Library lobby.

Posted in Latest News.