Adults_Suggest a Purchase

    Suggest a Purchase

    Heard about a good book that you want to read? The library welcomes input from our customers!

    Please note that purchases of new items are made in accordance with the library’s materials selection policy and budget.

    Generally, if the title you are suggesting is of academic or specialized interest, or is more than two years old, interlibrary loan is a better option.

    Note: Please wait until a title has been published before making a suggestion on this form.

    Name (required)

    Library Card Number

    Email (required)




    ISBN or Other Information

    Age Level

    Are you requesting a special format?

    BookCDBookDVDMusic CDOverdrive/Libby

    Do you wish to be placed on reserve if this item is purchased?


    If you do not have a specific title, but wish to suggest a subject area, please explain below: