

As Library staff, our service philosophy revolves around providing courteous, responsive, quality service to our citizens. We believe in putting the customer first, and that how we treat people is more important than anything else.


  • We respect our customers.
  • We seek innovations to benefit our customers.
  • We meet our customers' needs by providing accurate and up-to-date information and materials.
  • We believe customers deserve efficient service from knowledgeable staff.
  • We listen to our customers and respond to their ideas and concerns with fairness and flexibility.
  • We recognize that quality staff is key to achieving our goals. We believe great internal customer service creates great external customer service.

Therefore we encourage:

  • Collaboration and open communication among staff.
  • Staff input, differing points of view, and creativity.
  • Continuing education, self improvement, and professional involvement. We encourage differing points of view, creativity, and risk-taking.

We thank you for the opportunity to serve you!

Management Team

Executive DirectorBruce Gay262-524-3681Send Mail
Administrative Services ManagerTherese Lyons262-524-3903Send Mail
Marketing & Communications ManagerKori Hall262-524-3904Send Mail
Technology ManagerJohn Klima262-524-3688Send Mail
Materials Collection Services ManagerCarolyn Peil262-522-7283Send Mail
Community Engagement Services ManagerAlyssa Pisarski262-524-3695Send Mail
Public Services ManagerJustin Stevenson262-522-7280Send Mail
Special Projects CoordinatorKelly Davis262-524-3694Send Mail
Finance AnalystCindy Braun262-524-3678Send Mail