Gift Friends Membership/Renewal


Membership to the Friends of Waukesha Public Library or renewal of Membership to the Friends of Waukesha Public Library to be given as a gift. For more information, please contact 262-524-3694 or [email protected]. Corporations interested in joining the Friends should call the number above.

Please enter in name and contact information for the person you are buying the gift for in the additional information section during checkout (see image below)

Image showing how notes can be added to order at time of checkout

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The Friends of Waukesha Public Library are an organization of library and book lovers who work together to promote and expand the programs and services of the library. They actively support the mission of the Library, are a valuable link between the Library and community, and they provide funding to enhance the quality library services offered to City of Waukesha residents and surrounding communities.

The Friends support the Library in many ways: by spreading the word about library programs, resources, and services; volunteering at various events, programs and fundraisers; providing seed money for new Library collections; supporting programs and projects; and purchasing special request items not allocated in the Library’s general operating budget. In 2016 the Friends donated more than 340 hours of volunteer work to the Library which is the equivalent of more than $4,000 of staff time.

The Friends have improved the Waukesha Public Library in a wide variety of ways. Among them:

  • Purchased public art panels for the library lobby
  • Held book discussions for teens and adults
  • Provided incentives for both the children’s and teen Summer Reading Clubs
  • Established Library Book Group Kit collection
  • Funded annual “Bright Beginnings Workshop” for childcare providers
  • Funded annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon
  • Funded BookPage publication monthly distribution
  • Provided furniture in the “Teen Zone”
  • Funded programming for children, teens, and adults
  • Major funding partner for 321 Alphabet Square Early Learning Center
  • Provided financial and volunteer support for Waukesha Reads community-wide reading program

Additional information

Gift Membership

Student "Fox Kit", Senior "Silver Fox", Individual "Lone Fox", Family "Fox Den Keepers", Associate "Fox Trotters", Contributor "Swift Fox", Lifetime "Arctic Fox", Corporate "Red Fox"